Completely Customize Your Breast Augmentation

September 9, 2019

A breast augmentation can give you the full, symmetrical breasts you’ve been wanting. At Pacific Center Plastic Surgery, we understand that each patient has unique concerns, values, and desired aesthetics when it comes to their surgical experience. Therefore, we offer fully customized breast augmentation to meet your specific needs.

Implant Size

Just like body types come in all shapes and sizes, so do implants! We want you to achieve the breast size that enhances your figure and meets your desired goals. With every implant type of available, you can choose from a large size that will give you a dramatic look or a more conservative size that will give you a natural appearance.

Implant Material

One main decision you will make during your augmentation process is the material your implants are made of. You will have the choice between saline and silicone, each with different advantages. Saline implants are made from a sterile salt-water, making them safe to be absorbed by the body in the case of a rupture. Saline implants also allow for smaller incisions and tend to be less expensive.

Silicone implants are made from a silicone gel material, offering a more natural look and feel. Silicone implants require a larger incision and come with the risk of a “silent rupture.” However, ruptures are increasingly rare and with the new gummy bear implant, the gel will not migrate into the body if a rupture were to occur.

Another option offered at Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery is the Ideal Implant. A newer hybrid implant that offers the safety of saline with a similar natural feel and look of silicone. The design consists of a series of implant shells nested together and two separate chambers hold the saline filler. This unique internal structure design controls movement of the saline for a more natural feel, while reducing folding and wrinkling, thought to be the main cause of implant rupture and deflation. The exterior edges of the implant have been lowered to achieve a more natural contour on the chest wall. Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery was one of the first practices to be granted access to offering Ideal Implant to their patients.

Take the Next Step

To learn more about the innovative treatments offered at Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach, CA, contact our office by calling (949) 617-1168 or by filling out the consultation request form below.

Incision Type

There are several different incision sites that you and your surgeon will discuss. These include around the areola (ideal for saline implants), under the breast crease (common for silicone implants), in the armpit (less common but offers concealed scarring), and in the belly button (only for saline implants). No matter which incision you and your surgeon decide on, they will be placed where they can be easily concealed. The pros and cons of each will be discussed so you can make an educated decision.

Implant Placement

Your implants can either be placed under the muscle (sub-muscular) or over the muscle (sub-glandular). Sub-muscular placement is often recommended for those with little breast tissue and can result in a more natural look. Sub-glandular placement is performed less frequently, but it is an option that can be discussed. The benefit of over the muscle placement is the quick recovery. The downside can be lack of implant support which can result in sagginess, visibility of implant issues such as rippling.

Fat Transfer

Your breast augmentation can also involve a fat transfer. A fat transfer offers a subtle enhancement and improved contour using your own body fat. Fat is harvested from a donor site, typically the abdomen, buttocks, or thighs.

To learn more about your breast augmentation options and to start developing your customized procedure, contact Pacific Center Plastic Surgery today!

Wow! Not only am I thrilled with my results, I also must say that this experience was so much easier than I thought it would be! From the virtual consultation, to the virtual appointments that I had after my surgery… they made it so easy to check in with my doctor. I don’t live in Newport, but it didn’t matter. I was still able to get the surgery that I wanted there! 10/10 would recommend!!

Autumn M.

Take the Next Step

As soon as you step into our Newport Beach office, our welcoming staff will carefully listen to your concerns and guide you through your treatment journey. The board-certified plastic surgeons at Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery will be happy to discuss your cosmetic goals, review the pros and cons of the treatment you are considering, and create a personalized treatment plan that will deliver the best outcome for you. 

To learn more about the innovative treatments offered at Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach, CA, contact our office by calling (949) 617-1168 or by filling out the consultation request form below.