Life-Changing Results

Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Age, environmental factors, lifestyle, and hormone changes can all influence the condition of your skin. If you’re frustrated with your appearance because of dull, aged, or damaged skin, the experts at Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery want to help you regain a youthful glow and boost your confidence. At BioSpa, our premier MedSpa in Newport Beach, laser skin rejuvenation has helped hundreds of patients achieve healthier, younger-looking skin.


What is Laser Skin Rejuvenation?

Laser skin rejuvenation treatments use state-of-the-art laser technology to stimulate collagen production and tissue regeneration. For many, a non-surgical solution like laser skin rejuvenation is enough to improve a range of skin concerns and restore youthful radiance.

Depending on your needs, the experts at BioSpa offer various skin-rejuvenating procedures, including multiple kinds of laser treatments. For optimal benefits or to address more severe skin concerns, you can pair laser skin resurfacing with a surgical procedure like a brow liftfacelift, or eyelid rejuvenation.

Learn More About Laser Skin Rejuvenation

During your initial consultation, your BioSpa provider will give instructions on how to prepare for your treatment. You may be asked to stay out of direct sunlight and avoid harsh skin care products. Some laser procedures achieve optimal results when pre-care products are used for a few weeks before treatment.

Our Newport Beach team performs laser skin rejuvenation procedures with local anesthesia or a topical numbing cream to ensure your comfort during your session. Your provider can use different laser skin rejuvenation technologies depending on your skin type and concerns. At BioSpa, we offer the following laser skin rejuvenation treatments:


CO2 laser resurfacing is an effective skin treatment that can treat surface-level blemishes, sagging skin, large pores, acne scars, and other skin imperfections for an overall rejuvenated appearance. We use the latest “fractionated” CO2 lasers, which are safer, minimize the potential for skin pigmentation changes, have fewer side effects, and provide a faster recovery.

During CO2 laser resurfacing treatment, your provider will use the CoolPeel laser to deliver bursts of light energy to the treatment areas to remove the surface layer of your skin. This skin resurfacing technique will also trigger the body’s collagen production for firmer, younger-looking skin.

Laser Genesis

Laser Genesis is another collagen-boosting skin rejuvenation treatment offered at BioSpa. It is commonly used on the face, neck, chest, and hands. Less invasive than a CO2 laser, it comes with less recovery time.

This ablative laser emits intense light beams to treat various skin concerns at different depths without damaging the surrounding tissues. The Erbium Yag laser treats skin issues like uneven tone and texture, hyperpigmentation, scarring, surface-level blemishes, sun damage, and more.

Clear + Brilliant®

The Clear + Brilliant® Touch laser is a cutting-edge facial rejuvenation treatment. Patients also use this treatment as a preventative measure for aging. This customizable technology uses the Original Clear + Brilliant® and Perméa handpieces to address signs of aging and pigmentation issues. The procedure takes about 15-20 minutes and requires minimal downtime.


IPL photo facial (Intense Pulsed Light) treatments deliver several different wavelengths of light to treat a variety of skin concerns, including hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone, and other blemishes. The pigment and blemishes absorb the wavelengths of light, making them shrink, which leads to smoother, more even skin. This advanced laser is powerful enough to treat both small and large treatment areas. Common areas include the face, neck, chest, and hands but even areas such as the arms or legs can be treated.

After skin rejuvenation with laser technology, you may require a minimal amount of downtime, depending on the intensity of the treatment. After about five to seven days, your skin may begin peeling, revealing new skin underneath. 

You may experience some redness, swelling, and general discomfort in the treatment areas, which can be managed with an ice pack and over-the-counter pain medication. Slight itching is also a common side effect for the first few days. This new, smooth skin that is revealed after your treatment will be sensitive, so avoiding direct sunlight and using proper sun care products is essential while healing.

Once your skin fully heals, you can enjoy the results of your laser treatment. Our Newport Beach patients often report smoother, healthier, and younger-looking skin after just one treatment session. Depending on your unique skin concerns and your treatment plan, multiple sessions may be recommended to achieve your desired results. You can expect your blemishes to fade while redness gradually diminishes.

Your skin may continue to improve for up to a year after your treatment. Laser skin resurfacing results can last several years, but you may need a follow-up session to maintain your healthy new glow.

Treatments with laser technologies can address some of the first signs of aging, like brown spots and fine lines. The best candidates for laser skin resurfacing treatments are in good health and have realistic expectations about the procedure. 

Laser resurfacing can address the following skin concerns:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Acne scars and birthmarks
  • Sun damage
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Age spots
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Enlarged pores
  • Rough texture 
  • Dull appearance

Laser skin rejuvenation treatments may not be the right choice if you have active skin infections or a condition that could affect healing. During your consultation, a BioSpa skincare expert will assess your skin type, medical history, and needs to determine which laser skin rejuvenation treatment is best for you.

Since BioSpa offers multiple types of laser skin rejuvenation treatments, the cost varies depending on your choice of technology. On average, laser skin resurfacing costs $1,975 in the United States. This is only a rough estimate and will also be influenced by your geographic location and your provider’s experience.

Your exact cost will depend on which laser device is used, whether local anesthesia is needed, and how large the treatment area is. We encourage you to consult with a member of our team at BioSpa for an accurate estimate. During your consultation, we can also guide you through our financing options to help you manage the costs of your treatment in monthly installments.

Take the Next Step

As soon as you step into our Newport Beach office, our welcoming staff will carefully listen to your concerns and guide you through your treatment journey. The board-certified plastic surgeons at Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery will be happy to discuss your cosmetic goals, review the pros and cons of the treatment you are considering, and create a personalized treatment plan that will deliver the best outcome for you. 

To learn more about laser skin rejuvenation and the innovative treatments offered at Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach, CA, contact our office by calling (949) 617-1168 or by filling out the consultation request form below.

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