10 Myths and Facts About Cellulite

July 13, 2015

Studies show approximately 90% of women are affected by cellulite. Some say it’s closer to 95% of women. This is a staggering number. Even women who are slender and fit will have their run in with this nagging problem. The most common areas cellulite is seen on the body are the buttocks, thighs, and stomach. There is so much confusion as to what causes cellulite and how to get rid of it. Let’s clear the air a little. First and foremost, even your favorite celebrities HAVE cellulite! While we may be tricked into thinking they are perfect in every way, most of them are afflicted with it just like the common folk.

1) Cellulite is caused by toxins in your body – Myth

Simply put this is not the case. Cellulite occurs when underlying fat deposits begin to push through layers of collagen fibers, or connective tissue, under the skin. Connective tissue can be weakened by lack of exercise, poor diet, fat build up, muscle weakness, and poor circulation.

2) Cellulite affects woman far more than men – Fact

Women tend to carry more fat around their hips and thighs. Women also have less supportive connective tissue to keep it all in place. Men’s connective tissue structure has more support, thus resulting in less cellulite. It should be noted men are not immune to getting cellulite. Reports show roughly 10% of men are affected by cellulite.

3) Cellulite gets worse with age – Fact

Unfortunately, this is true. As women age, their bodies produce less estrogen. This hormone helps keep blood vessels flowing smoothly. Less estrogen can result in poorer circulation, which can also mean a decrease in new collagen production and the breakdown of older connective tissue.

4) Genes play a role in cellulite – Fact

If your mother and grandmother had cellulite, you have a better chance of getting it as well.

5) Exercise can help reduce the appearance of cellulite – Fact

Absolutely! While not a total cure for cellulite, in most cases exercise will help prevent or reduce its appearance. Since cellulite occurs when connective fibers underneath the skin become weak or lose their elasticity, stretching and strengthening problem prone areas can help, along with reducing overall fat. In addition, firming and toning muscles will tighten skin, giving the illusion that cellulite is less noticeable and strength-training will build muscle and boost circulation.

6) Cardio is the best solution for getting rid of cellulite – Myth

While cardio will help burn fat and keep weight off, resulting in a reduction of visible cellulite, it’s really strength training that is key. Building muscle tone, firming skin, and increasing circulation will make a bigger impact on combating cellulite.

7) Skin firming creams will reduce cellulite – Myth

Simply put, No. There is no data to prove that any over-the-counter or prescription creams will do anything to improve your cellulite.

8) Injectable fillers can help smooth out dimples resulting from cellulite – Fact

This may be a new one to you, but injectable fillers such as Voluma, Restylane, Sculptra can be used to add volume to cellulite dimples. An injectable filler will plump up divots and even them out. Fillers are only a temporary solution, because they only last approximately 3 months up to 2 years depending on the type used. Learn more about fillers.

9) Non-invasive laser treatments work to reduce cellulite – Fact

Laser, radio-frequency, and massage techniques have been used for several years to reduce the appearance of cellulite-and while their results are not permanent, they are effective in the short-term. VelaShape III is one example of a non-invasive treatment, which can significantly improve cellulite appearance. A series of treatments is usually necessary to obtain optimal results. On the flip side, there is no downtime and little to no discomfort! Learn more about VelaShape III.

10) Liposuction is a good option for getting rid of cellulite – Myth

Most likely not the case, in fact, often time liposuction can actually make the problem worse. If you are prone to cellulite, surgically removing fat could cause uneven distribution and thinning of the layers below the skin, which can both cause more dimpling.