Case 16363

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Procedures Performed

  • Mommy Makeover

Case Details

  • Female


Before & after results of a Mommy Makeover.
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 122
Additional Information: This mom of 2 was dissatisfied with her body after having her children. She was specifically unhappy with her sagging deflated breasts and skin laxity and stretch marks on her abdomen. Performed a vertical incision mastopexy(breast lift) with augmentation using Sientra 230 cc moderate plus profile silicone implants placed under the muscle. For the abdomen, he performed a standard hip to hip tummy tuck which included tightening the underlying muscles and getting rid of skin excess. Her incisions healed very well and you will notice the vertical incision on the front of her breast is nearly undetectable.

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