Reasons to shop at a farmer’s market

August 13, 2012

Ever try a gooseberry or tasted a rhubard? Visit a local farmer’s market to try a new fruit or vegetable. If you have been to one before, you understand the excitement of supporting local, and eating organic produce made in California’s backyards. If you haven’t yet, it could be an eye-opening experience for you and your family, at the very least a fun activity to do on the weekend.

Farmers markets are easy to find. Provided below is an easy to use link to find USDA farmers markets on the web and a link to a free California farmers market finder on your smartphone.

Farmers love to provide new and exciting things to taste. They will teach you how to select the best quality of the freshest picked items. Usually, they will have extensive nutritional knowledge of common as well as rarer fruits and vegetables, so feel free to experiment with the kids and try something new. You will also learn new ways to prepare foods and dishes that have become standards at your home.

Supporting local farmers brings friends together and strengthens communities, so get out there and trying something new and fun!